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Friday, November 18, 2011

Have A Cupcake And Wear One, Too!

I have a confession to make...    I have a sick obsession with anything that has a cupcake on it! I feel like I am fourteen years old all over again when I freak out over a pencil set that has sweet little cupcakes with cherries and sprinkles wrapped all around it. And what about those cute cupcake erasers that out there! Don't worry I did refrain from buying those things because seriously, what would a girl my age do with things like that? (I'm sure I could figure it out!)
I recently bought a cupcake piggy bank at Target and that is when I realized I have an illness. What am I going to do with a cupcake piggybank? I'm serious! I resorted to using it for my two year olds change that he finds, because I have a perfectly good coin purse I use for my change I hoard.
So, when I saw those adorable pajama bottoms at Ross yesterday, I knew I had to buy them. They are perfect for winter, especially since the cold weather has finally started to kick in and snow has decided to intermix with our rain here. The material is so fuzzy and soft, I feel like I am wearing my favorite comfortable blanket. 

And guess what? It was only $8.99!!!

Now I can wear cupcakes and eat them, too! Someone please tell me, can life get any sweeter than this?  Not by much!

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