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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Don't Live With Regrets

I don't know about you guys, but I am fascinated with Marilyn Monroe. Not just because she is such an icon and was such a gorgeous talented woman, but also because she always seemed to have such great witty remarks that have been recorded for us today. 
Just a few minutes ago I was reading some of her quotes on a few different websites I came across. Some of her words made me laugh and giggle, but there were also some serious statements she made along with many inspirational ones, too, that really caught my attention. I want to share one of those quotes with you that really got me thinking and motivated me even more to not give up on my own interests and dreams.
"We should all start to live before we get too old. Fear is stupid. So are regrets."
-Marilyn Monroe
How many of us are nodding our heads in agreement after reading that simple yet true statement? I know all of us have heard those words in some form over and over before at some point in our lives on many occasions. But, how many of us actually decided to step up to the challenge and live by those simple words?
I will be the first to admit to you that I have thought words similar to that myself and uttered those words almost as a mantra over the years. See, I have dreams, I have goals; but somewhere along the way between working, getting married, having kids, changing diapers, scraping the dried oatmeal off the floor, I lost those dreams.
Don't get me wrong; I love my family and I love my life, yet I have continuously thought about the things that I always wanted to do with my life or in my life that I never got to do or that I finished half way, almost too doubtful to continue with it. Things that I enjoy, things that I wanted to accomplish, things that I wanted to try my hardest to achieve even when people may have discouraged me saying it was impossible. These are the things I regret not trying for, even if it meant that I would find out I would fail.
Never in my life have I forgotten those dreams. I only lost them along the way as I pushed them to the side to concentrate on others as I gave of myself day by day.
And lately, I have realized the awful truth: If you put yourself on the back burner and push your interests and dreams aside to devote yourself to caring for everyone else and their needs you will lose yourself.
I think that the majority of us can agree that when we take on many different roles in our life we do give of ourselves a little more, physically and emotionally, as we make sacrifices for the sake of others. But, I ask you this: How much sacrificing do we have to make before we lose our identity? Before we lose everything that we had ever dreamed possible for ourselves and become bitter towards the duties we have to perform day in and day out?
I have a confession to make...I recently found myself feeling this way and I realized that I wasn't happy with ‘me’ any more because I wasn’t doing anything to make myself feel happy and fulfilled. I was going through the same motions day after day, as I am sure we all do in our daily responsibilities. Yet, I would find myself constantly thinking back on the past and the 'what-if’s' and fooling myself when thinking, Oh, there’s still time to do what you want to do tomorrow or next week.
Well, tomorrow came and soon 'next week' was a lifetime ago and here I was months, years later telling myself the same thing I told myself before and still not taking action.
I feel that people can achieve different levels of fulfillment in various aspects of their lives. Personally I feel spiritually fulfilled and I feel fulfilled in regards to my family and friends; I am grateful.
But, I needed to be happy with me. I needed to make time everyday for myself and the things that I love doing. And thankfully I have an extremely supportive husband who encouraged me to do what I am now doing, to do the things that I gave up on and missed doing when I was younger.
Let me tell you, since taking time for me and reaching for my goals and dreams once more, I feel satisfied…I feel like me once again.
So, please don’t think that tomorrow or next week you will get to 'this' or 'that'. Or you will find yourself years later trying to 'someday' fulfill that goal that you set for yourself six months ago. Go for it now. Today. If you put it off, you will never get to it.
Time is short. Life is short. Don’t be scared about what people will think of you or what they may say, trying to discourage you from your dreams. Dreams are made to strive for. If you don’t try to reach for them you will live with the regret of never knowing if you were good enough or able enough to accomplish your goals.
If you should fail, that’s okay. Learn from it and try again; it will only make you a better and stronger person.
So, don’t put off what you can try for today. Don’t find yourself in the position I was in; becoming bitter and feeling unfulfilled, full of regrets.
Remember what Marilyn Monroe said and keep dreaming and keep going for what you want! Also, when you are feeling not good enough, think about something else she once said:

“We are all stars and we all deserve to twinkle”
-Marilyn Monroe

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