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Friday, May 27, 2011

Summer Dares You To Go Bold!

So, anyone notice the trends going on this summer and how there seems to be a trend for every person to be comfortable actually sporting on themselves? Let me just take a moment to tell you how over the moon excited I am about this! 
First lets talk about my favorite trend; Bold eyes!
I love colored eyeshadows, the more vibrant the better and it seems as if the beauty world has heard my pleas to be accepted and smiled down upon, because that is exactly what has been seen jiving in the industry.Take a look at Christian Dior, for example. Bold eyeshadows are definitely trendy and while I love bold makeup, I also think that us 'normal' people can tone it down a notch or few to make it more comfortably wearable with out having to be concerned that we look like we belong to the traveling circus. 
Instead of wearing the look so dramatically, try using vibrant eyeshadows along the lower and/or upper lash line to jazz up a neutral look? Or you may want to try stroking on a bold shade in the outer corner of your eye, creating a beautiful smoky look. (Visit me on YouTube to see how I made this trend more wearable for the average girl out there)
The colors you will see rocking this look will be yellows, oranges, purples, pinks and bright greens. Wowza!
Now, on the other end of the spectrum there is the natural beauty look. For those who may not be keen on the idea of wearing orange eyeshadow, you will be happy to hear that minimal makeup is definitely in, also, as it has been widely raved about the past few years. Showing your true self is the way to go, with emphasis on natural
For those of us who may not like the idea of going around the town with a 'naked' face, showing the world what we truly look like underneath it all because we may harp on imperfections we may have, there is always concealer, foundation and powder to help cover it all. Once you have prepped your skin, try dusting on a rosy glow to your cheeks and a swipe of mascara to your lashes, and call it pretty!
To go with the bold eyeshadow we discussed earlier, there is a trend to wear, not the neutral lipstick you would think, but bright and bold lipstick to boot! Who of us shall be brave enough to take on that challenge? Neon oranges along with fuchsia and corals are all the rage; can you imagine a neon orange lip with a vibrant green eyeshadow? (Can you say lemon and limes, anyone?) 
While pairing the bold shadow and lip together may be the 'in' thing to do, try wearing the bold lipstick with a neutral and natural look instead, or if you are feeling particularly feisty that day, go bold all the way!
So, no matter if you area trendy person or not, I guarantee that you will be jazzed about at least one of the many trends to be seen this summer. Like I always say, makeup is a way of expressing your personality, a way to be creative and show how you feel. Take these trends how you will and make them your own!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Don't Live With Regrets

I don't know about you guys, but I am fascinated with Marilyn Monroe. Not just because she is such an icon and was such a gorgeous talented woman, but also because she always seemed to have such great witty remarks that have been recorded for us today. 
Just a few minutes ago I was reading some of her quotes on a few different websites I came across. Some of her words made me laugh and giggle, but there were also some serious statements she made along with many inspirational ones, too, that really caught my attention. I want to share one of those quotes with you that really got me thinking and motivated me even more to not give up on my own interests and dreams.
"We should all start to live before we get too old. Fear is stupid. So are regrets."
-Marilyn Monroe
How many of us are nodding our heads in agreement after reading that simple yet true statement? I know all of us have heard those words in some form over and over before at some point in our lives on many occasions. But, how many of us actually decided to step up to the challenge and live by those simple words?
I will be the first to admit to you that I have thought words similar to that myself and uttered those words almost as a mantra over the years. See, I have dreams, I have goals; but somewhere along the way between working, getting married, having kids, changing diapers, scraping the dried oatmeal off the floor, I lost those dreams.
Don't get me wrong; I love my family and I love my life, yet I have continuously thought about the things that I always wanted to do with my life or in my life that I never got to do or that I finished half way, almost too doubtful to continue with it. Things that I enjoy, things that I wanted to accomplish, things that I wanted to try my hardest to achieve even when people may have discouraged me saying it was impossible. These are the things I regret not trying for, even if it meant that I would find out I would fail.
Never in my life have I forgotten those dreams. I only lost them along the way as I pushed them to the side to concentrate on others as I gave of myself day by day.
And lately, I have realized the awful truth: If you put yourself on the back burner and push your interests and dreams aside to devote yourself to caring for everyone else and their needs you will lose yourself.
I think that the majority of us can agree that when we take on many different roles in our life we do give of ourselves a little more, physically and emotionally, as we make sacrifices for the sake of others. But, I ask you this: How much sacrificing do we have to make before we lose our identity? Before we lose everything that we had ever dreamed possible for ourselves and become bitter towards the duties we have to perform day in and day out?
I have a confession to make...I recently found myself feeling this way and I realized that I wasn't happy with ‘me’ any more because I wasn’t doing anything to make myself feel happy and fulfilled. I was going through the same motions day after day, as I am sure we all do in our daily responsibilities. Yet, I would find myself constantly thinking back on the past and the 'what-if’s' and fooling myself when thinking, Oh, there’s still time to do what you want to do tomorrow or next week.
Well, tomorrow came and soon 'next week' was a lifetime ago and here I was months, years later telling myself the same thing I told myself before and still not taking action.
I feel that people can achieve different levels of fulfillment in various aspects of their lives. Personally I feel spiritually fulfilled and I feel fulfilled in regards to my family and friends; I am grateful.
But, I needed to be happy with me. I needed to make time everyday for myself and the things that I love doing. And thankfully I have an extremely supportive husband who encouraged me to do what I am now doing, to do the things that I gave up on and missed doing when I was younger.
Let me tell you, since taking time for me and reaching for my goals and dreams once more, I feel satisfied…I feel like me once again.
So, please don’t think that tomorrow or next week you will get to 'this' or 'that'. Or you will find yourself years later trying to 'someday' fulfill that goal that you set for yourself six months ago. Go for it now. Today. If you put it off, you will never get to it.
Time is short. Life is short. Don’t be scared about what people will think of you or what they may say, trying to discourage you from your dreams. Dreams are made to strive for. If you don’t try to reach for them you will live with the regret of never knowing if you were good enough or able enough to accomplish your goals.
If you should fail, that’s okay. Learn from it and try again; it will only make you a better and stronger person.
So, don’t put off what you can try for today. Don’t find yourself in the position I was in; becoming bitter and feeling unfulfilled, full of regrets.
Remember what Marilyn Monroe said and keep dreaming and keep going for what you want! Also, when you are feeling not good enough, think about something else she once said:

“We are all stars and we all deserve to twinkle”
-Marilyn Monroe

Where O Where Did All The Good Liners Go?

Okay, so I have a confession to make...  I am strongly disliking products from two different companies that most of the time I love. Let me begin my story from the beginning...
I am on a liquid eyeliner kick. I find that while I do like my eye pencils, liquid eyeliners are faster for me to work with and apply. Not only do they give me that crisp clean line with only a few swipes, I also never have to worry about sharpening them in comparison with the Urban Decay 24/7 eyeliners that I have and love but for me are a pain in the butt to sharpen because they are so soft.
Now, the first liquid eyeliner I picked up was the Revlon Colorstay Liquid Eye Pen in Blackest Black. Now, I hear rave things about the Colorstay line from Revlon and after trying out this eyeliner I can attest to all the hype. What I do love about this liquid liner is the staying power it has. It is absolutely amazing. When it says it will stay for sixteen hours I will trust that claim completely. When I wear it, it will not smudge; it will stay exactly where I want it to stay for hours.
It has a felt tip applicator, just like a fine tipped marker and Revlon says that it is easier to apply than the traditional liquid eyeliner. Well, I agree with the claim that it is easier to use because you can hold it and use it just as a pen without the awkwardness that a separate brush applicator might have for some. 
But, the qualms that I do have with it are that when I apply it to my lash line, it feels as if the formula on the tip of the applicator is drying out as I am using it. It takes a couple of sweeps and a few shakes of the pen (with the cap on) for me to get the color payoff that I want with it; and even then I wish it was more intensely black. I am not sure if the product is drying out or what, but from the beginning when I bought this it has felt like it was drying out on me already.
I have heard people say to store liquid eyeliners that come in a form of a pen, as this one does, with the tip of the applicator pointing downward into a makeup holder or jar so that the product will settle towards the tip and not settle in the back, which they say causes the formula to dry out faster. (This I have done with this pen, and still not impressed.)
So, the other liquid eyeliner I bought was Maybelline's Line Stilleto Ultimate Precision Liquid Eyeliner in Blackest Black. I have heard mixed reviews about this product, either you love it or you hate it. So, I figured I should try it out for myself and form an opinion of my own. And after much use I can inform you that I hate it. Sorry, Maybelline, but it is true. 
Let me start with what I do love about it. I really like the way it is packaged with the brush that unscrews from the half where the product is kept. Maybelline says that the flexible felt tip will help the liquid liner glide on smooth for an easier application with no tugging or dragging. While, it is true, I love the applicator brush and it does make it easier to apply the product, I think the reason there is no tugging on the lids is because the formula is way too watery! Halfway through lining my eyes the color runs so liquidy it starts turning into a grey color. It offers no color payoff what so ever. 
This is not blackest black, this is more of a charcoal color to me; a very poor charcoal color, considering the formula is so liquidy. They sell this not only in blackest black, but black and black-brown. Hate to see what the black color looks like if the blackest black looks grey to me. Needless to say, this will not be a product I will be repurchasing ever.
I have to add that Maybelline says that this liquid eyeliner will last for up to eight hours. I find that while it takes longer to dry completely than the Revlon, I still find that it will smudge on me. Maybe it is just on my super oily skin that it will transfer to my upper lids as the day goes on, but I am not impressed. The Revlon Colorstay Liquid Eye Pen stays where I want it to stay and it ain't going no where!
LEFT to RIGHT: Revlon Colorstay Liquid Eye Pen in Blackest Black; Maybelline Line Stilleto Ultimate Precision Liquid Eyeliner in Blackest Black. Both products swept once in clean line; second swatched to build up color; third line is drawn over twice.

I think that while I am not sold on either product, the Revlon one would have to win this round hands down. I tip my hat to both companies and hope that Maybelline will try their hand at it again in the future because I love the packaging and the brush; just work on your formula, guys!
(Dramatic sigh...) Someday I'll find that perfect black liquid eyeliner that every girl dreams of...

Monday, May 23, 2011

Every Girl Needs Dramatic Gel Eyeliner!

Okay, I have a confession to make...    I love drama! Who out there would disagree with me when I say that we girls like to add a little drama in our life? At least to our eyes, right? Well, Maybelline heard our call for drama and have now come out with this amazing Eyestudio Lasting Drama Gel Eyeliner. 

Now, I must say that I have tried many different gel eyeliners produced by various companies from the drugstore, but much to my frustration I was never impressed with the formula. Many seemed to feel pasty or dry when I applied them to my lids or the product dried out in the pot way faster than I could use it and here I was left with over half the product left. Talk about a waste of money; not cool at all...

So, I was about to surrender and fork out the money to try out the Bobbi Brown gel eyeliner that I have heard rave reviews about; even though I did not particularly want to shell out $21.00 for a gel eyeliner. But, thanks to my obsession with watching beauty reviews and makeup tutorials on YouTube, I was one day watching one of my favorite gurus, Lisa Eldridge mention her first impressions trying out Maybelline's new gel eyeliner. She was super impressed by the formula and even the brush that comes with it. Now, for Lisa Eldridge (who happens to be a highly successful makeup artist; check out her channel on YouTube to see some of her work!)  to be hyped up over a drugstore makeup product, I knew that it was worth me trying out. 

So, a few days later I happened to be checking out Ulta's website and they were offering 50% off Maybelline's products. I literally jumped off my chair at the chance to get my hands on this gel liner for half the retail price. Yes, I know, I could walk down to Walgreens or WalMart and buy it, (I don't have an Ulta anywhere near me) but for some reason, there is way more fun in receiving something you really want in the mail and opening up the packaging and falling in love with the item you were anticipating (sigh...). Anyways, 50% off was too good a deal to pass up, for I do love me a great bargain!

When it finally showed up and I opened up the box,  I was a little surprised by the packaging. Now, the first thing I noticed was how tiny the pot was that the gel eyeliner came in. I confess I was shocked, especially since I saw that this little tiny thing retails for $9.99 (thank goodness I got mine half off, I thought). 

Than I took out the brush, not quite sure what to expect. After testing it out, I liked how the brush fit nicely in my hands and is surprisingly great to work with considering it is from the drugstore. The bristles are not harsh; although I have felt softer brushes I am happy with the feel this one has. The bristles are rounded off, not like the typical angled brush that I have been applying my gel liners with. When applying the product with this brush, I find that it works just as well as an angled brush; I don't see or feel any noticeable difference.

Then came the exciting part...I found out that the texture of the gel eyeliner is very creamy, smooth, and velvety; it actually made me smile (you know something is pleasing when it makes you smile, right?) Like I said, I have tried many different gel eyeliners from the drugstore and this one is hands down the best. It is extremely easy to apply because the texture is so smooth. The pigmentation in just as Maybelline claims it is: highly concentrated. They go on to say that this gel eyeliner is smudge-proof and waterproof up to 24 hours. Now, I cannot back them up on the waterproof claim just yet, as I have not tested that area out, but I will say that I have worn this liner for up to ten hours in a day, and trust me, it wasn't going anywhere. Where I applied it is where it stayed.

I got mine in Blackest Black, but it does come in three other colors: Brown, Charcoal and Eggplant. I have yet to try out the other colors, but the black lives up to it's name. In no way is it grey, in no way is it off a shade; it is pure black. I love pigmentation! Wouldn't it be great if they would come out with some extra fun colors like teal or a bright blue? I am a sucker for color if you haven't already noticed!

Now, as I said before, I was surprised how tiny the pot is in comparison to other gel liners I have bought (example: Loreal Hip gel eyeliners where the packaging is massive and you are getting 4.5 g). In regards to Maybelline you receive 3 grams, which after thinking about it is better in the long run, because gel eyeliners do tend to dry out so you want to be able to use up your product before that happens. Yet, a little of this goes a long way and has tremendous staying power, so I can't say when a person will need to repurchase this if they were to use this everyday.

All I can tell you is that before you run off to the department store and buy the high end gel eyeliners that we all love, why don't you instead make your way to your local drugstore and get your hands on Maybelline's Lasting Drama Gel Eyeliner? Then use the rest of the money that you saved to buy yourself a nice Maybelline lipstick in your favorite shade. 

Seriously, can a girls day get any better than that?

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Wild For Wet 'N' Wild Lipsticks!

Okay, so I have a confession to make...  I love Wet 'n' Wild Lipsticks!!! I am pretty sure that these are going to be a new obsession of mine. I know that these lipsticks have been around for ages; I remember them when I was a teenager, but completely disliked them because they would completely dry out my lips and had a funny smell I could not tolerate.

But, when I was at Walgreens about a month or so ago, I came across a sell on Wet 'n' Wild products for 40% off! HELLO!!! I went a tad crazy on makeup that day, and yes, I did buy a few lipsticks to try out in shades that I needed (yes, I said NEEDED) to add to my collection. Even though in the past I never liked their products, I have noticed that they have truly stepped it up when it comes to their eyeshadows, so I thought, Hey, for about sixty cents or so, if I end up not liking these lipsticks it's not like I spent a fortune on these babies.

Well, when I took these home, I immediately tried one on and swatched the rest of them and I fell head over heels in love! And I will tell you why I say this...

First of all what captured my attention was the fact that the color was extremely pigmented. I am one of those girls who prefer a good pigment to my lipsticks and lip glosses. The color I see in the packaging I want on my lips. I do not want a tint, not even a hint of color, I want the exact color that I am buying. Let's just say, I was not let down.

Second of all, the formula is so light weight, it doesn't even feel like I am wearing anything on my lips. It's not sticky, It's not cakey, it is so moisturizing, I could wear this all day everyday and it would never dry out my lips. It is one of the best formulas regarding lipsticks that I have tried.

These lipsticks are a Silk Finish which leave my lips looking shiny but not glossy, if that makes sense. Wet 'n' Wild claims that these lipsticks are enriched with conditioning ingredients of vitamin E and Aloe Vera for moist looking lips. I can tell you that when I wear this lipstick my lips do not feel goopy or sticky in any way, which I personally appreciate considering the fact that I hate feeling like I am wearing sticky honey on my mouth. Not fun...I had my lipstick on for a couple of hours and I did not need to reapply. The color was wearing beautifully and didn't feel like it was drying my lips out.

About that funny smell I recall their lipsticks having years ago, I am happy to report that the indescribable smell is definitely gone. You know how some makeup products, lipsticks included, sometimes have a perfume smell of some kind, the Silk Finish lipsticks have absolutely no sent whatsoever. I was so pleased when discovering that fact because sometimes scents can set off my allergies if the smell is too strong and overpowering and than I am unable to wear it without sneezing.

When you buy this lipstick you are getting 0.13 ounces for 99 cents. I would say that you are getting a spectacular deal that you cannot beat anywhere else and the quality of the product definitely will surprise you; it surprised me, in a pleasant way! Now, the packaging is nothing to thrill about; it looks cheap and feels cheap to me with it's clear plastic lid, but for 99 cents you know that you're not paying for packaging. But, the quality of the product is worth raving about!

So, when you pass by the Wet 'n' Wild kiosk in your drugstore next time, don't turn up your nose to their lipsticks just because they are 99 cents. The fact that they are just 99 cents should lure you in to at least try them out and give them a chance. With their vast range of colors, I am sure everyone will find at least one lipstick they want to try. And, of course, be tempted by more...

Who knows, you may find your self confessing just how much you love these, too!

 Here are some swatches for you to enjoy!
Left to Right: 521A "Fuchsia With Blue Pearl", 552A "Just Garnet", 511B "Nouveau Pink", 520E "Hot Paris Pink", 514A "Cherry Frost".

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Welcome Everybody!

Okay, my first confession should be obvious...I am overly obsessed with makeup! Like any other girl out there who is fascinated with the beauty and magic of makeup like I am knows that this obsession can quickly grow into a outrageous fixation teetering on the edge of reason. 

Let me explain to you when this danger first began. I remember I was twelve years old and much to my dad's dismay, my Aunt had bought me this Caboodle full to the brim of drugstore makeup. Until then I had never owned a piece of makeup, nor was I interested in that kind of thing. Well, needless to say, I was immediately hooked; and that was when I became a girly-girl (and proud of it)!

Recently, I turned to high end makeup and found a new love all together. Boy, do I get into trouble when I enter a Sephora! Talk about sensory overload! I have discovered a whole nother realm of makeup that I am in love with. The only thing I am not in love with is the price tag that comes along with the price of, say an Urban Decay 24/7 eyeliner (but they sure are gorgeous, right?). 

Well, I am on a quest to find drugstore products dupable to high end luxuries while along the way, still falling for my Urban Decay and Mac. A girl can never get enough beauty in her life...(sigh)

So, let's not be ashamed of this obsession we have; let's confess to one and all each other's favorite makeup products and pampering products. Let's throw caution to the wind and give into this debauchery we call beautification. 

In the next few days I will be talking about a few of my favorite drugstore products, so make sure you come back and check that out. I will also be posting a few of my higher end loves and i know nobody wants to miss out on that, either. Let me know along the way what you guys think. Maybe you've found something better?

Until next time, I'll see you back here. I dare ya!