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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Beauty Confession Time!

Okay, I have a confession to make...    here is the opportunity for you to get to know me a little bit more and find out what my take is on the Beauty Tag that has been going around YouTube for awhile now. There are different versions of this tag, I believe, but here is one I found from Juicystar07 on YouTube.

So, without further ado, here we go!

1. Would you rather go out with messy hair and nice makeup, or nice hair and no makeup?

Well, let me say that while I adore makeup, I would much rather go out in public with nice hair and no makeup on. I say this because I think that if you have nice polished hair you can pull your whole look together. I am confidant, even with some of my skin imperfections, to forego wearing any makeup. Messy hair and nice makeup kind of negates the effort involved in creating a pretty makeup look.

2. Would you rather shave your eyebrows or have your eyelashes fall out?

This is an extremely difficult question...Hmm...I am against shaving my eyebrows, my mother did it when she was younger and they never grew back (I think it was a trend back in her day...). I would have to say that I would rather my eyelashes fall out. There is always false eyelashes that I could wear instead and thanks to modern cosmetics, there is now serum for eyelashes to grow! So, easy fix, if you will.

3.Would you rather be forced to shop at MAC or only Spehora for the rest of your life?

Easy for me! I like MAC but it is not my all time favorite brand. Sephora has several different brands that I love way more than MAC. Sephora has the variety that I like and I could live there, if it was legal...

4. Would you rather wear the lipgloss/lipliner look or an 80's perm?

Neither? Is that an option? I had the 80's perm back when I was eleven years old and it wasn't in the 80's, it was the 1990's...Let's just say that for a whole year I was depressed as I waited for it to grow out. Never again would I do that to myself. So, I will gladly rock the lipgloss with the lipliner look!

5.Would you rather leave the house with an obvious foundation line or overdone blush?

Definitely not the foundation line, I hate those! I would have to say I would rather look like a clown and have overdone blush. I love blush and I think overdone blush could look better than an obvious foundation line. Get color matched people!

6. Would you rather wear MC Hammer pants in public or biker shorts in public?

Biker shorts please! I never liked those parachute pants, even when it was popular back when I was a little girl. I would rather go for the "sporty" look with super tight shiny shorts. I'm sure not everyone would be pleased to see me wearing those, but I would definitely not be comfortable in fluorescent balloon pants!

7.Would you rather have a bad orangey spray tan or really weird tan lines that can't be covered up?

This is a no brainer for me. I despite it when I see girls who look orange. It makes them look almost like they have a dirty face and it is waaaayyyy to obvious that they tried too hard to get some color (the wrong shade!) on their body. I would rather have weird tan lines because at least it would be a natural shade from the sun and not from body spray! YUCK!

8. Would you rather have a bad haircut or bad hair color?

I have had both in my lifetime and both seemed just as equally worse when they both happened. A bad haircut can take awhile to grow out and brutal to live with. I would rather have bad hair color because that can be fixed faster than a bad haircut can.

9. Would you rather have YouTube or Twitter taken away forever?

Not hesitation here because I am not into Twitter at all, just a personal opinion. I don't have a account and I do not follow anybody because I do not need to know what someone is doing or thinking at every moment of their life...I would be lost without YouTube since I believe that is a great way to connect with an audience and I love watching videos. I do that almost every single day...

10. Would you rather give up using makeup brushes or mascara?

I think mascara is essential for a great look because it opens up a person's eyes and just brightens up their whole look. So, I definitely need mascara in my life! I could easily learn, through trial and error, how to use my fingers to apply makeup. Foundation...eyeshadow...blush...highlighter...bronzer...I'd much rather give up makeup brushes!

So, those are my opinions on the ten Would You Rather Beauty Questions. Those are always fun to do and fun to see/hear/read what others have to say! 

So, tell me, what would YOU rather do?

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