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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Revlon's New Colorburst Lip Butters

I have a confession to make...     I have been watching every single YouTube video and scanning every single blog that features this new product by Revlon, my ultimate favorite drugstore makeup brand. I have heard nothing but great things about these new lip butters and I love the colors that I was seeing, they are beautiful!
Left to right: Candy Apple and Pink Truffle
I made out a wish list of every single color that I wanted to try out and made my way to the stores to see if I could hunt them down. Finally, at my third stop, Target, I found a small display of these. They did not have all of them, just a handful. I picked up two that I wanted to try out and made my way home with Candy Apple and Pink Truffle.
I have been trying these for a couple of days now and I am ready to give you my full report and honest feelings on these. 
These apply so smooth, they glide onto the lips effortlessly. Your lips are left with a lot of color and a gorgeous shine. I would not classify these as a lipstick nor a lipgloss, but somewhere in between. 
The product is very soft and I would caution anybody to be careful because given the softness of this product, I am not sure how these will hold up. In other words, these may be very breakable, I just do not want to test that theory on my own.

Left to right: Pink Truffle and Candy Apple

Pink Truffle is a light mauve-brown color but shows up darker in this picture.
Candy Apple is a subtle red color that can be worn about town during the day since it is not dramatic!

Left to right: Pink Truffle and Candy Apple
The color payoff is fantastic and yet it is still build able

Now, while these colors are gorgeous and they apply beautifully and come in a vast range of colors for everybody, I did find some down falls to this product that I must share with you because this could be a deciding factor for you.
When wearing these, the color does not last long at all. Just like a gloss, you must reapply it every once in awhile through out the day. And, I do find that these slide a lot. Not just a bit, but a lot. I have never had issues with my lipgloss or even lipstick rubbing off on my teeth, but both of these did. Thankfully, it was my hubby who had to warn me when we were out in public about to hang out with friends. YIKES!
Another thing I noticed that surprised me, because everybody was saying that these are just like tinted moisturizers but better, is that after wearing one that day, my lips felt dry. Now, I am a lip balm addict and  I always have Chapstick or something to that effect on hand to moisturize my lips, plus, I exfoliate my lips once a week or so. I think I take decent care of my lips, but I was still left with a nagging dry feeling after wearing these lip butters. 
Needless to say, I was not pleased. 
Honestly, I wanted to love these just like everyone else was loving them, but because of the facts that they rub off on my teeth and dry out my lips, I will not be repurchasing anymore of these lip butters. 
Sorry, Revlon, but these are no-go for this girl.
These lip butters don't melt on these lips, they just  slide right off. Maybe you'll have better luck with these than I did.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Have A Cupcake And Wear One, Too!

I have a confession to make...    I have a sick obsession with anything that has a cupcake on it! I feel like I am fourteen years old all over again when I freak out over a pencil set that has sweet little cupcakes with cherries and sprinkles wrapped all around it. And what about those cute cupcake erasers that out there! Don't worry I did refrain from buying those things because seriously, what would a girl my age do with things like that? (I'm sure I could figure it out!)
I recently bought a cupcake piggy bank at Target and that is when I realized I have an illness. What am I going to do with a cupcake piggybank? I'm serious! I resorted to using it for my two year olds change that he finds, because I have a perfectly good coin purse I use for my change I hoard.
So, when I saw those adorable pajama bottoms at Ross yesterday, I knew I had to buy them. They are perfect for winter, especially since the cold weather has finally started to kick in and snow has decided to intermix with our rain here. The material is so fuzzy and soft, I feel like I am wearing my favorite comfortable blanket. 

And guess what? It was only $8.99!!!

Now I can wear cupcakes and eat them, too! Someone please tell me, can life get any sweeter than this?  Not by much!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Revlon's Gold Coin Nail Polish

I have a confession to make...    I was at Walmart just yesterday buying a few items that I needed for the pantry and of course,  had to go and check out the makeup isle! I was actually on a mission to seek out a specific hard to find product that just hit stores a few weeks ago but is not readily available in everyones area yet (that would be my area!).
So, instead I settled on looking at nail polishes, another love of mine. I was drawn towards the selection that Revlon had and seriously, I could have bought more than I did that day. But, I was good and I only bought two. One of them I was just dying to try for myself when I got home. 
It is called "Gold Coin", and I cannot tell you just how long this nail polish has been available from Revlon, but I have to let you guys know that it is so pretty!
It is a metallic finish, just as the bottle says and WOW does this polish shine! To me, it almost looks like it has extremely small barely there glitters in the polish. Maybe it does, but whatever it is, it sure does reflect gorgeously! And it dries super fast, which for me is always a plus because I am constantly doing something and honestly, I hate to sit around and wait half an hour for my polish to dry. 
Another plus, this is the second day that I have this polish on and it has not chipped in the slightest. So, great lasting wear so far!

Revlon seems to be coming out with some nice colors lately and not bad for the price. I paid under four dollars for this bottle. Because of that I bought two nail polishes since I have always been a fan of their polish, so I knew I would not be disappointed.
This is definitely a fall color, so hurry out and get your "Gold Coin" before they run out!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Eggnogg'n Tea! Don't 'Nog' It Til Ya Try It!

I have a confession to make...   When the weather outside turns into cold and blustery days, I love getting comfy and cozy on my couch and wrapping myself up in my Snuzzle. Yes, I said Snuzzle. It's a knock off of the Snuggle that my hubby found at Ross and I laughed at him for buying it. Long story short, I fell in love with the Snuzzle and have become very territorial over it. That is another subject....
Any-who, I adore a nice hot cup of tea during the cold weather when I am snuggling up and getting cozy on the couch. I have a variety of teas in my pantry ranging from peppermint to orange-spice to peach etc...But one tea that comes out only once a year right after Halloween when the stores set up for their Christmas rush, is Eggnogg'n tea from Bigelow. My mom got me hooked on this tea two years ago when she bought it and thereafter I have searched many stores for this box and came up empty handed. Let me tell you, it is a very popular drink and it goes FAST. 
I happened to be at grocery shopping two weeks ago and had it down on my list. I was planning on buying two or three of these to stalk up on for this winter. Well, guess where I happened to find it? On the same display as the Pumpkin Spice tea by Bigelow (that I had already purchased weeks ago) and this was the only one among the dozens of Pumpkin Spice! So yeah, I snatched it up and I did search through the other boxes to make sure it wasn't buried under the Pumpkin teas. 
I searched the tea isle and the other displays in the store and this was the only one I found. Wow, these suckers go quick. I am glad that I was able to get my hands on this one and hopefully when I go back they will have more on display. 
Why is the such a coveted tea, you may ask? Well, besides the fact that it only comes out once a year, it is such a unique flavor. Now, I hate with a passion eggnog in general. My husband, he loves the stuff and always has to buy a jug of it at the store when it comes out. What I do love about eggnog is the smell. To me, it smells just like buttercream frosting for some reason. Yummy! 
This is what this tea delivers on. It has that subtle scent and taste of frosting and it tastes great with a little bit of sugar mixed into your cup. Seriously, you cannot go wrong with this tea. It is the go-to tea that you will want every night after your day is done and it is time to unwind before bed with your favorite book or TV show.
So, what's your favorite drink that makes you feel all peaceful and warm during these cold months ahead? I know what I'm snuggling up with tonight!

Lemon Butter For Your Cuticles From Burt's Bees.

I have a confession to make...   Yes, there are times when my hand look less than girly and more like a rough and rugged rancher man's hands. But, that's because of the cold weather and washing my hands incessently several times a day. We all know just how drying that can be on our delicate skin.
So, I have to make sure that I take notice of how bad it is getting before it gets worse and I must moisturize moisturize and moisturize before skin begins to crack! A product that I have been in love with for over a year now and am on my second tin of this, is Bert's Bees Lemon Butter Cuticle Cream. Let me tell you, I have not purchased anything else from this product line before but heard great things about it from the YouTube community and decided that since my cuticles were in dire need that I might as well just give it a go.
I purchased mine at Target, although I have bought this from Walmart before and it retails for around $6.00 depending on your area and place of purchase. In this tin you receive 0.60oz of product and from my experience this will last you several months, but of course it depends how much you use and how often you use it.
This is what the packaging on the back reads: 

"A soothing blend of natural ingredients to nourish weak nails and soften dry cuticles. Massage cream into and around nails." 

The product itself is a waxy balm and it applies smoothly into the skin with a nice faint lemon scent. Honestly, you don't need a lot of the balm for it to work, just swipe your finger onto the balm and rub it into your cuticles and you will notice immediately how soft they get. Even the appearance of the nails seems improved!

For myself I may use it once during the day but I always apply it before I go to bed at night. I rub lotion into my hands first to moisturize my hands and after that I will apply this product onto my nails paying much attention to the cuticles. The results are much more soft and pleasant feeling skin. 
The product itself is a waxy balm and it applies smoothly into the skin with a nice faint lemon scent. Don't worry about feeling greasy because I promise you, you won't. The cuticle cream is just like butter in the sense that it will melt right into your skin.
This is something that I use not only in the winter when I get really dry skin, but I use this all year round to help with the appearance and feel of my nails. I highly recommend that you give this a try; your nails will thank you!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Sally Hansen Instant Cuticle Remover

I have a confession to make...    I have not been purchasing much makeup lately because I have finally convinced myself that I have more than enough; so much that I most likely will never use it all in my lifetime. When I think about it that way, it is kind of depressing...
So, I have been going through some of my tried and tested products that I already have and decided that I can still review some of these products because they are still available in a store near you!
We all need to take care of the appearance of out hands and nails, especially now that the cold weather is setting in and that typically causes my skin to dry out along with my cuticles. They need some extra special attention and love. 
So, about a year ago I discovered a great product from Sally Hansen called, "Instant Cuticle Remover", and it claims to 'dissolve dry cuticles in 15 seconds'.
The directions state:

"For cuticles, squeeze a thin strip around cuticles and under nail tips. After 15 seconds, begin to gently push back cuticles with a cuticle pusher or manicure stick. Wash away excess immediately and throughly with warm, soapy water.
For calluses, apply to callused skin for one minute. Wash away excess immediately and throughly with warm, soapy water."

Let me tell you why I love this product and am on my second bottle. This is a very thick formula that sticks to the cuticle and softens the skin. After about a minute passes, I use the Kiss cuticle sticks that I bought on sale at Walgreens for 99 cents to push back the cuticles around my nails and the gross skin under neath the tips of my nails.
It makes the process of refining your cuticles a breeze as it is so effective. Once I wash the product off I use a cuticle product that moistens the cuticles and keeps them in shape, especially before I go to bed at night. (I will talk more about the cuticle product that I use for this step in a later post)
You can buy this product at Walgreens for about $5.49 and you get 1 fl oz that lasts you a long while. The price of course will vary by store and location. But, no matter what you pay you are saving yourself a lot of money and can buy yourself a bottle of a pretty nail polish to go with your new manicure!
Try this out for yourself and you you will be left with gorgeous-just-came-from-the-salon looking nails in pretty perfect shape. 
Nobody will know that you did them yourself at home, but once you tell them, they will sure be jealous!