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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Lemon Butter For Your Cuticles From Burt's Bees.

I have a confession to make...   Yes, there are times when my hand look less than girly and more like a rough and rugged rancher man's hands. But, that's because of the cold weather and washing my hands incessently several times a day. We all know just how drying that can be on our delicate skin.
So, I have to make sure that I take notice of how bad it is getting before it gets worse and I must moisturize moisturize and moisturize before skin begins to crack! A product that I have been in love with for over a year now and am on my second tin of this, is Bert's Bees Lemon Butter Cuticle Cream. Let me tell you, I have not purchased anything else from this product line before but heard great things about it from the YouTube community and decided that since my cuticles were in dire need that I might as well just give it a go.
I purchased mine at Target, although I have bought this from Walmart before and it retails for around $6.00 depending on your area and place of purchase. In this tin you receive 0.60oz of product and from my experience this will last you several months, but of course it depends how much you use and how often you use it.
This is what the packaging on the back reads: 

"A soothing blend of natural ingredients to nourish weak nails and soften dry cuticles. Massage cream into and around nails." 

The product itself is a waxy balm and it applies smoothly into the skin with a nice faint lemon scent. Honestly, you don't need a lot of the balm for it to work, just swipe your finger onto the balm and rub it into your cuticles and you will notice immediately how soft they get. Even the appearance of the nails seems improved!

For myself I may use it once during the day but I always apply it before I go to bed at night. I rub lotion into my hands first to moisturize my hands and after that I will apply this product onto my nails paying much attention to the cuticles. The results are much more soft and pleasant feeling skin. 
The product itself is a waxy balm and it applies smoothly into the skin with a nice faint lemon scent. Don't worry about feeling greasy because I promise you, you won't. The cuticle cream is just like butter in the sense that it will melt right into your skin.
This is something that I use not only in the winter when I get really dry skin, but I use this all year round to help with the appearance and feel of my nails. I highly recommend that you give this a try; your nails will thank you!

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