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Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Whatever Wednesday: The Best Tea I Have Had In A Long Time!

Welcome to the first installment of, "Whatever Wednesdays" where I blog about whatever I feel like for that day; and most likely it will not have anything to do with beauty. Today, I want to share with you a new love that I have discovered, quite by accident, at Walmart of all places!

Let me begin by explaining to you my love for tea. I love tea, not just during the cooler months of the year, but even during the warmer summer months. And yes, I enjoy it hot. I find that it is comforting and cozy; it soothes my whole being because I can feel my whole body just relax with a sigh of pleasure. My favorite is Licorice Spice tea, introduced to me by a dear friend who told me that it helped her to satisfy her evening cravings for sweets. And now, I am highly addicted to the stuff.

When I am at Walmart, it seems to always be sold out! Seriously, does Walmart ever restock their shelves? I promise, I went to Walmart for a few groceries three weeks in a row, and each time during those three weeks they where always sold out of my Licorice Spice!

Sadly, that happened last week when I went to "WallyWorld", and I was in desperate need of tea that would satisfy my soul. Low and behold, my eyes just so happened to wander to the very top shelf where there sat several eye catching boxes of tea in an interesting variety of flavors.

"Good Earth" tea boxes looked down at me, and I wondered why I had never heard of them nor noticed their exciting boxes before...

The cost was not expensive, a box was less than $3.00 and came with 18 tea bags, which is very reasonable. I had a hard time deciding which one to try and take home with me, but I settled on "Sweet And Spicy", which is described as having notes of cinnamon with sweet bursts of orange.


I honestly did not expect much from this tea, but WOW was I so pleasantly happy!

My first sip could only be described as a lovely warm burst of sweetness and spiciness... Seriously, when they named this tea, "Sweet And Spicy", they hit it right on the nail! I personally do not like a tea that is overwhelming in cinnamon, because, for my palette, it can be a little too intense. But, this has a burst of citrus sweetness that is very pleasing! This is what they call, the perfect balance.

I am not going to lie, I happen to find the quotes that are on the back of the "tea tag" to be quite exciting! I honestly did not notice the quote on the first "tea tag" that I had, it wasn't until the second tea bag that I used that I took note of the special touch that was put into this tag! What I have appreciated so far is that not once have I got a repeated quote on a "tea tag". Although, I am sure the more I repurchase this, I will run into repeats, but that's not a worry to me.

I cannot get enough of this tea, I have had it every single afternoon! This is a black tea, so it does contain a certain amount of caffeine, so I would not recommend drinking this as your night time cup of tea, for you just might find that you will not be sleeping as soon as you think. I know, some are more sensitive to caffeine than others, so to each their own!

When I perused their website, which you can take a gander at yourself right here , they had a variety of fourteen different teas to choose from in a variety of blends. Yet, on their website, they where wanting more for a box than Walmart charged. If you cannot find this brand at your local store, I think that it honestly would be worth ordering a few boxes on Good Earth's website to try it out for yourself.

I seriously doubt you will be disappointed!

Have A Wonderful Wednesday!

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