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Thursday, June 16, 2011

"Yummy Honey" Homemade Lip Scrub

I have a confession to make...    I have chapped scruffy lips. Yes, I know, severely unattractive, especially when wearing bright colorful lipsticks and lipgloss. Chapped lips manage to highlight all of the dead skin hanging around and the lines and crevasses...hmmm, almost reminds me somewhat of what spandex does for the thighs; not very forgiving.
So, I decided, in preparation for a series I have coming up here on this website that I would scrub my lips to make them appear more pretty and enhance the experiment I got going on.
I thought about dropping some money on a nice lip scrub, but than I remembered reading awhile back that a person can actually make their own lip scrub with the same effects of the expensive brands you can buy for a pretty penny using just about the same ingredients.
I thought this might be a good time to research a little about why it is good to exfoliate the lips and I like what I read so I am going to share it with all of you! 
Exfoliating prevents chapped lips from happening at all because smooth lips holds in more moisture, so during the winter time especially it is a great idea to exfoliate with the harsh weather conditions. Not only will it give you even toned lips after you remove the dead skin, it will also give you an extra added beauty benefit; it will help your lipstick stay on longer and can actually enhance the color of the lipstick you are wearing (now, if that is not incentive, I don't know what is!).
So, how often should we be exfoliating? The lip area is very delicate so we don't want to cause the skin to tear and bleed by over exfoliating, so once a week should do the trick; twice at the most if you really need to. What I like to use on my lips after exfoliating is (and you will laugh at the boredom of this product) good old Vaseline! Yes, petroleum jelly, if you will. I like this because it seeps into the skin and it feels so conditioning, when I wake up in the morning my lips are baby soft. I am sure there are special pricey high end balms that you can use instead, but I found what works for me; but you use what you enjoy and works for you. 
So, I gave making my own lip scrub a whirl and you would be surprised at how easy it is to make these scrubs, it seriously takes inexpensive pantry items that you have in your cupboards at home right now. So, I decided to try the recipe I found on (type in lip scrub in the search bar and you will find the recipe in her review on the Victoria's Secret lip scrub). All you need is:
 Raw Sugar, Olive Oil and Honey. Mix together one part each, them apply to lips and scrub with finger or toothbrush.
I used an almost empty Carmex jar to store my lips scrub in (after getting rid of the teeny bit left and washing it out with soap and water, then letting it dry. I have to confess, I love the taste of this scrub and had a good time applying it and scrubbing it in with my finger. I decided to name it "Yummy Honey Lip Scrub", it is that delicious (just don't really eat it, okay?). I applied my Vaseline and began to enjoy my new found soft lips. 
(Use whatever you want to store any extra product you have left over)

(The consistency is thick and tastes YUMMY!)
So, try this one at home and I promise your lips will thank you!

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