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Monday, January 14, 2013

Makeup Update: Physicians Formula Gel Eyeliners

I have a confession to make...          I have not repurchased any gel eyeliners in a very long time. Do you want to know why? Well, do you recall last year in February I had purchased the Physician's Formula Gel Eyeliners when they where on clearance at Target? I posted my first impressions of them in a blog back then and I just wanted to let you know how I still feel about them.

They have had MUCH love this past year!
I adore these liners to no end! I kid you not, these eyeliners, just a few weeks away from being a year old, have kept their initial formulation! They are still creamy and opaque (with the exception of the brown one, which I was not in love with the first time around). 

These eyeliners do not budge at all and have held true, not showing any signs of drying out! Do you know how often I have had to throw out gel eyeliners before I was finished with the product and all because it dried out and was unusable?

(Unless for review purposes, that is ;)

I have used all three and they are more than halfway finished, but as I said before, I am still amazed at how gorgeous they still are! 

The black one gets the most use out of the three. If I am not using my Urban Decay Zero black eyeliner than I am most likely using this instead!

This color is a stunning dark blue-purple color and looks amazing on the lash line! It is a fun color to wear!

The brown one is so pretty when it is swatched, it looks copper. But, applied, the pigmentation is lacking. You will not get a crisp dark down line with this one, but more of a faded brown line which I have found I don't mind (but still don't love) when I want to wear a very neutral eye look.

These are AHH-MAY-ZING!!!!!!!

They do not crack nor do they flake on the lids, even when wearing for a long period of time.

I highly recommend that you go out and buy yourself these gel liners! They come in a set of three for around $10.00 depending on where you shop. But, I guarantee that you will not be disappointed and will find yourself comparing these to your favorite high end luxury gel liner! 

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